Captain America : Winter Soldier - ChiefBrodyRules VHS Trailer
par Eklecty-City
Et si Captain America était un film grindhouse. Voici le montage de ChiefBrodyRules. The year is 2007. Crime is at an all time high and the law has a plan to wipe it out! CAPTAIN AMERICA (Chris Evans), a Vietnam vet who was given super strength by a military scientist, Abraham Erskine (Cillian Murphy) is now America's new crime fighter. When he refuses to kill an innocent Senator he is back stabbed by the very people who made him! He's out for revenge. If you're going to make enemies, you better make sure it's not America!MUSIC:00:11 Vengeance - Power Glove00:21 Rage Main Theme - Perturbator00:35 ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK SOUNDTRACK00:42 MANIAC SOUNDRACK00:47 Night Stalker - Daniel Deluxe01:20 Pino Donaggio - Theme from Blow Out01:40 MANIAC SOUNDTRACK01:50 Maniac - Mega Drive02:07 Machete Trailer Music Exerpt02:11 T-800 - Rain Sword03:07 Vision (End Credits) - Protector 10103:25 Mega Drive - Digital GhostLIST OF MOVIESDoomsdayEscape From LARobocopCaptain America: The First AvengerDreddCaptain America: Winter SoldierX-Men Days of Future PastThe AvengersCaptain America: Super Soldier TrailerMission Impossible 3DIE HARDGhostbusters 2What's Your Number?The IslandMacheteNick Of TimeSpy GameThe PunisherScott Pilgrim vs the worldAustin PowersX-men: Wolverine OriginsThe HulkLive Free or Die HardAvengers : Age Of Ultron TeaserSnowpiercerArmageddonBatman BeginsX2- X Men United
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